Having lost both my wife and my mother in a short period of time to similar cancers, I understand that you might need more time to process the loss of someone close to you. I am here, when you are ready, to provide an approach that is compassionate and successful in minimizing your stress and selling the probate real estate.
Keith's late wife Nicole Hittner was a MN attorney and referee presiding over Dakota County Conciliation Court cases. He has a lot of respect for attorneys and the work that they do to help families through the probate process. Keith always recommends those that will be personal representatives reach out to an attorney for help through the process. He also highly recommends working with a real estate professional that understand your personal situation and the process of handling probate real estate in Minnesota.
Keith Hittner Jr is a Certified Probate Real Estate Specialist (CPRES), specializing in educating you on the current real estate market, making sure that you have taken all the appropriate steps when deciding to sell the property that is held in probate, and most importantly guiding you through every phase of the real estate transaction as he negotiates the price and terms for you and your family.
A Certified Probate Real Estate Specialist receives special training to deal with the sale of properties that are in probate, and knows how a court confirmation probate sale works, how to sell real estate under a living trust and conservatorship, and any special probate rules regarding the sale of real property in Minnesota.
Because of my CPRES training, I can be there for you every step of the way helping you with the sale of your loved one’s property. This means I help you with all the little and big details of probate property sales. From helping you to select and schedule the best service providers (ie professionals that can help you get the personal property sorted, handyman tasks, estate liquidators and appraisers, etc) all the way until the closing of the sale of the home.
Is selling, holding, or renting the real estate right for the estate?
Get this helpful free guide detailing probate steps for personal representatives of an estate.
MN Probate Real Estate | Keith Hittner Jr